Monthly Archives: August 2013



Hi, my name is Sajjad Haider. Academically I am an Anthropologist and currently serving at the Department of Anthropology Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad as Research Supervisor.

Prior to it, as a consultant Trainer I have addressed many of Pakistan’s leading corporate and development organizations including OGDCL-OGTI, PEL, NCHD, Life Technology, NRSP, IST, SDPI.

I am also running an activism plus e-volunteerism to motivate people to excel in life. I got its inspiration during my services for the victims of the earthquake of 2005 in a mental health project of WHO. I launched an informal group and started sharing ideas on excellence with people around me and received amazing response. Then I organized it and coined a phrase for this,

“Urging people to excel”.

By now hundreds of people are linked to this cause and most of them are supporting it as well. [Google the phrase to access all of my channels]

I invite you to join hands with me to promote education, skills, volunteerism and optimism among people. 

The “Urging people to excel” [UPTE], is a non-religious and non-political activism.

Join facebook group here.

Here is its public blog

Here are a few other pages that I am moderating.

Finally a few words about myself. I am a progressive, social and lively individual. I aspire to be a good Researcher and Trainer/Motivational Speaker. I wish to touch the lives of people by adding hope and by “urging people to excel”.

My services as a 

  • Motivational Speaker 
  • Soft Skills Trainer 
  • Research Anthropologist 
are available to organizations, companies, NGOS, Academic & Research Institutions.

Visit my Linked in profile here 
[Last updated 2012]

For appointment and other queries feel free to write me an email here.